Friday 12 June 2020

Chhidra Graha - Planet of Vulnerability & Death ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

[JP 5/52-53] ‘Chhidra Graha’ - following planets are termed as ‘chhidra graha’ i.e. planet of vulnerability

·         Lord of the 8H

·         Planet posited in 8H

·         Planet aspecting 8H

·         Lord of 22nd d3

·         Lord of 64th d9

·         Planet conjunct 8L

·         Bitter enemy [atishatru] of 8L

Whichever is strongest among them dasha [bhukti] of that planet may bring death of the native.

If at the same time above ‘chhidra graha’ represent the lord of another duhsthana then its dasha/bhukti may be fatal.

Depositor of Sa, 8L or Mandi dasha/bhukti may also do the damage. Or there is the dasha/bhukti of another ‘duhsthana’ lord may be fatal.

During the dasha/bhukti of above planets, Sa if transited over 8th, 12th or 1st of this strong planet may be more fatal. Or Sa transited over 8th, 12th or 1st of Ju-jiva, Mo-seed, or Asc-self may also do the same damage. Sun or Mars will indicate the month.

Ju transited over cruel sign of 8L in d1 & d9 trine sign will indicate the death or troubled year during the above dasha/bhukti and Sa period. Su-Ma transited over this cruel sign indicates the month of death. 

For day and hour of death Mo transit over 64th d9 sign [22nd d3] or over d9 sign of this [in d9]


For tithi strongest of the above planet may indicate the tithi of death or death like trouble. 

Tithi as per planet is as under.

Sun- Pratipada[1] & Navami[9], Moon- Dvitiya[2]  & Dashami[10], Mars- Tritiya[3] & Ekadashi[11], Mercury- Chaturthi[4] & Dvadashi[12], Jupiter- Panchami[5] & Trayodashi[13], Venus- Sashthi[6] & Chaturdashi[14], Saturn- Saptami[7] & Purnima[15] and Rahu-Astami[8] & Amasvasya[30].

In the same way you may count on Mo transit or its asterism to the trine sign as derived above. This is one method only and no hard and fast or thumb rule can be provided for longevity or death assessment please note.


Death is not ascertainable precisely as it can come in any form at any point of time. There are numerous methods to assess the longevity that give wide different results. So the year derived by the method given here may be treated as troublesome or ‘ghaat’ year. There are eight meanings of death including physical death.


See the following chart of the female died at USA around 10-Apr-2020.


·         Lord of the 8H = Ju

·         Planet posited in 8H

·         Planet aspecting 8H

·         Lord of 22nd d3= from Asc & Mo - Le-Su

·         Lord of 64th d9 = From Mo Ar-Ma and from Asc Li-Ve

·         Planet conjunct 8L

·         Bitter enemy [atishatru] of 8L = Sa as per fivefold relationship

Strongest is Mars, next is Ju which dasha is going on the 8L and bhukti is 6L Ve. D9 depositor of Mandi is Ve & also 64th d9 lord.

Here Ma-Ve are main death inflictor in dasha or bhukti being connected to Mandi/Gulika.  

Sa is transited 12th to natal Mars the 64th d9 lord. Sa is also transit over the eclipsed natal Mo. Mars transited over natal Mo. Sun is traversing in Pi being trine sign of 8L so month is assessed. Mo in d9 transited in Le sign and in d1 Li sign. Mars is strongest so ‘tritiya’ tithi is confirmed the death date.

Sunday 7 June 2020

Mission of the native - Dharma Artha Kama or Moksha

Mission of the native - Dharma Artha Kama or Moksha


When all this ‘chaturvidh purusharth’ is get together to support ultimate moksha-12H or dharma house-9H, moksha is easy…the predominance of this four will give you the idea of mission of life for the native in material world the ‘grihastha ashram’….


1-5-9 Dharma signs

2-6-10 Artha signs

3-7-11 Kaama signs

4-8-12 Moksha sign

The first pada-star of every sign is Dharma-Gyaana Navamsha

The second pada-star of every sign is Artha-Karma Navamsha

The third pada-star of every sign is Kaama Navamsha

The fourth pada-star of every sign is Moksha Navamsha


Mission of the life of native can be judged from this d9 [initiated by Shri C S Patel sahib]

Added parameters … view

Another method to map the mission of life is Samudaya Astaka Varga [SAVP] in above sign segment and one with highest will have the final say. One may go for house segment also.


Yet another system is with more planet in above sign segment.


Predominance will indicate the mission …..


Shri Arvind Gosh [courtesy from Jhora]- Asc Ca, 6th d9 = Ashlesha-1 = Sg Dharma-Gyanamsha d9 sign wise

Asc lord - Mo 2nd d9 = Mool-2 = Ta Karma-Artha d9 sign wise


1-5-9 signs SAVP = 34+25+30 = 89; 2-6-10 = 42+23+25 =90; 3-7-11 = 31+36+26 = 93

4-8-12 = 25+17+23 = 65


Looking to the chart out of seven planets five planets are in ‘Dharma’ trikoa signs [1-5-9]


So life mission of Shri Arvind Gosh is Sat karma-nishkaama karma and Yoga-meditation Dharma


[02] Shri Raman Maharshi [courtesy Jhora] - Asc Vi 8th d9 = Chitra-1 = Le Dharma-Gyanamsha d9

Mer Sc 7th d9 = Jye-2 = Cp Karma d9

1-5-9 = SAVP = 28+28+24=80; 2-6-10=SAVP=20+35+30=85; 3-7-11=SAVP=28+27+27 =82; 4-8-12 = 37+29+24=90

There are four planets in Moksha signs.

So life mission of Shri Raman Maharshi is Shaivism dharma and with highest wisdom to attain moksha

Monday 25 May 2020

Father and Brother Famous- testing move …

Father and Brother Famous- testing move …


I forget whether it is Nadi or Hora dictum, regretted please …..


LL wherever sits will bestow fame to that relative, LL in 9H father is famous man, LL in 5H grandpa is famous, LL in 7H wife is famous ….

Similarly bhava lord posited in Asc then relative represented by that bhava may be famous… 3L in Asc, brother is famous


LL in 5H or 9H means father of the native is famous … 5H is also taken for father

3L in Asc means brother of the native is renowned


This seems very simple but is it effective … your take please….


Kindly take this further for other relatives …. 5L in Asc, son is famous, 11L in Asc elder brother is famous, 7L means spouse famous etc… or LL in 7H wife is famous etc…


This seems very simple but is it effective … your take please….share your insights  

Friday 22 May 2020

8H for Occult v/s 9H for ‘shashtra’


8H for Occult v/s 9H for ‘shashtra’ … 9H is ‘gyaana’ and 9H of d9 is ‘gyaanamsha’ ….. as said in Chandra Kala Nadi …. Generally we take 9H for higher education-learning also its dharma and all dharma shastra is included here …. Jyotish is one of this Vedic texts

Ve is bhagya karta = Shloka201P1Ch14 Khemraj Mumbai BPHS

9L connected with Ju or Ve is major advantage for occult = JP Shloka101 ch14 Ranajn Publication Delhi

 This view is not intended to contradict or oppose to other …just my one view please consider

 I do not take 8H for occult as it is totally wrong connotation for me … for e.g. if you are CA student then engineering subject cannot be secret shastra for you or the others and is seen from 8H, it is not prudent to think that way and same is applicable to ‘jyotish shastra’ connected to 8H.

 All Vedic-dharma shastras fall for 9H karaka-causative is Ju [and karta-working efficacy is Ve]. Still 8H is 12th from 9th for higher spirituality is not applicable as at the base it is house of karmic debt you have to pay off and natural karaka of 8H & 12H for this is Saturn. But yes this 8th bhavam is applicable for loss of ‘shastra’ or humiliation please remembers. Even can we say that 8H is not research but ‘prapancha’ i.e. prolixity of ‘shastra’, kindly give a prudence thought here.

 Any dasha-planet can give you occultism provided always that it is connected to your 9H/9L, Ju or Ve, apart from other things. 9H/L & Ju or Ve connection is major advantage. Saravali gives importance to Mer also. You may consider depositor’s role also. Some yoga like ‘shad shastra’ etc is also important here. Check all this from all karakas, chalit chart etc please … now count how many options you get and then you can easily pin point the dasha or bhukti that gives you occult trait duly synchronized it with pravesha chart or transit of your preference & prudence.

 Also 3L is your preaching receiver and 9L is your Guru if both connected major advantage to learn from your GURU

9L connected with Ju or Ve is major advantage for occult = JP Shloka101 ch14 Ranajn Publication Delhi

 ‘Shastra’ --- other interpretation and views possible so read with prudence

 Chandra Kala Nadi [B1 shloka-1234/35]

Ju conjoined or aspects 9L … native will take the path of ‘gyaana marga’ i.e. supreme knowledge, ‘tantrik’ and Vedic injunctions …

 [Jaimini Adhyaya1 2nd pada -- Karakamsha --]

Ju in 2H man of wisdom and scholar of Veda [& Veda texts like astrology]

Ke in 2H asepcted by Sa parked with other planet ‘tapasvi’ but if only Sa aspect Ke pretend to be ‘tapasvi’.

Malefic in 5H & 9H native is ‘tantrik’ some says ‘mantrik’ the controller of spirit … if malefic aspected this misuse it and if benefice aspect this use this for the favor of public…. 85/86/87

Mo in trine aspected by Ve makes the native al-chemist and if by Mercury Dr … ‘ayurveda’

There are many ‘vidya yoga’ from trine of karakamsha mainly 5H also taken from 1H & 9H also. Main is Ju [111] here gives ‘veda’ and ‘vedanga’,  Ketu [117] gives mathematician or ; jyotisha shastra gyaana. All this ‘vidya yoga’ may be judged from

2H also, even some see from 3H [119-120]

Other text …

JP Shloka-101, Ch-14 native indulges in ‘japa-dhyaana-samadhi’ the prerequisite for any Vedanga & spirituality

‘Jyotisha Shyama Sangrah’ Khemraj Mumbai edition narrates all ‘vidya yoga’ in ch-6 shloka-72 onwards here I give only jyotish vidya yoga and in those olden days mathematics also seen connected to astrology even today mathematician may have good potential to become good astrologers … the importance is given to Mer, Ju and Ve , houses envisaged in Kendra and trikona. 2H & 3H also are given due weight please consider.

 This is ‘shastranukul’ rest depend on your prudence to judge the things ….  This is classic view and you may follow your preferences …