Sunday 21 May 2023

10L & trouble to father


10L & trouble to father -

10L in debilitated d1 sign, in Saturn Amsha and 10L posited adverse to 9H & 9L. This may give death or death like trouble to father.

When? in adverse transit or dasha?  

10L is maraka to father-9H may be posited in maraka house from father or in duhsthana. With 10L, 9L also posited in adverse to 9H may also give evil to father.

There are some exceptions also you may discern from practical chart, please remember.

Remedy is to donate idol of cow made of gold to Brahmin or Sage or Sant.


F:: Li:: 4-Apr-1991 …


Evil to father happened in May-2017 when Sa transited in Sg sign.

Ju in cruel sign Vir for father and Su in Ta.

VD is Ve and KCD is Cn.