Ju-Su two planets in one sign - Some classic thoughts
Source .. Bhrigu
Nadi one factor astrology to test ….
Person is devotional and very reliable, father popular man …..
Can learn Veda
texts … if Brahmin … good pandit and
astrologer is better base for career …
Our sages very
well segregate astral bodies of planets in deep space and its causative traits
impact on nativities on the earth.
I know only one
Su & Ju as planet taking maximum around a month for conjunction so not
possible that everyone born is reliable, devotional and father popular man born
in that month as every year this will happen … comprehensive approach needed to
say any or two or all of the above traits applicable or not… and that is the testing
move …
This is testing
move and this is one factor astrology as said not applicable to each and every
chart or even not applicable on maximum chart … possibly few charts only it is
applicable which I want to study… there is no method or dicta that applicable
100% on all… this kind of configuration is guide line and starting point only
rest depends only on testing of practical charts with holistic approach.
My learning journey
will keep going on with classics…
By the way Jataka Parijata
says [Ch-8Shloka-1 Ranjan Publication] Su+Ju conjunction bestows traits like
faithful, active, wealthy and pleasing the king with his works. You may test
this and give me your insights ….
another classics Saravali says [Ch-15 Shloka-5 Ranjan Publication] that Su-Ju together
one will be virtuous, be a minister of king. Will
gain through friends, be with good mind and be a preceptor.
The list can go on…..
See, how we fail to understand the wisdom and working
efficacy of these kinds of dictums given by sages and scholars from time to
time over the years …
Person is devotional and very reliable, father popular man …..
Can learn Veda
texts … if Brahmin … good pandit and
astrologer is better base for career …
"Person is devotional and very
reliable [yes], father popular man [only if the Sun is strong] Can learn Veda
texts [yes]… if Brahman … good pandit [yes] and astrologer [only if other
planets & houses support, otherwise there's no understanding of Jyotish] ]
is better base for career [Yes] … this one view please give your insights ...
Yes you pick up the correct one thanks a
lot for the reply. The assertion is the simplest form of initiation of leaning
and the language suggest that Ju-Su is in good position, benefice in nature. It
is karaka elements of devotion and reliable for Ju & Su so yes. Father is
popular man indicates that Sun is exalted or own sign with benefice Ju. So we
can infer 1-5-9 signs in Kendra or
Ju-Su is Veda so again both in good position to bestow
learning ability of Veda, rituals & astrology. For its proficiency and to
decipher its codes one more support is needed like d9 as it is ‘dharma amsha’
9H of d9 ‘gyaanamsha’. This is one option or view only you may find other
support also of your choice. Better base of career means again Sun the 10H
karaka and Ju the natural karaka of fortune and growth so it is said; again we
can infer that Su-Ju in 10th house of
career . Rest the field is wide open. The more you logical and legitimate in
your finding more you will be superfine.
Our classic texts
are full of this kind of simplest assertions to initiate the learning, develop
it and to go at higher level. Please do not mix up two three things in the name
of holistic approach at the initial stage of learning. The
assertion is the simplest form of initiation of leaning and the language
suggest that Ju-Su is in good position, benefice in nature. This also so as if
there is combustion or planet debilitated, the result will be different,
assertion will be different and shloka will be different, this is basic.
See the above said traits here for
example this is from Bhrigu so karaka element is envisaged.
It is karaka elements of devotion and
reliable for Ju & Su so yes. Father is popular man indicates that Sun is
exalted or own or fried sign with benefice Ju. So we can infer 1-5-9 signs in Kendra or trikona. Ju-Su is Vedang so again
both in good position to bestow learning ability of Veda, rituals &
astrology. For its proficiency and to decipher its codes one more support is
needed like d9 as it is ‘dharma amsha’ 9H of d9 ‘gyaanamsha’. This is one
option or view only you may find other support also of your choice. Better base
of career means again Sun the 10H karaka and Ju the natural karaka of fortune
and growth so it is said; we can add Su-Ju in 10H of career. Rest the field is
wide open. The more you logical and legitimate in your finding more you will be
Next post will be further highlights of
this with practical charts … if time permits …
Classic texts that are most acceptable and refer to
most by practicing astrologers must be kept handy for the base of your
Ju-Su in Sg sign in 2H Sg Asc [male native]
Ju-Su = Bhrigu = native is devotional
nature [Ju], reliable[Su], faithful[Ju] helping nature [Ju debilitated]
Jataka Parijata says [Ch-8Shloka-1 Ranjan Publication] Su+Ju
conjunction bestows traits like faithful, active, wealthy and pleasing the king
with his works. You may test this and give me your insights ….
means Ju in Kendra or kona in
own-exalted-friendly sign wealthy active means Mars sign and faith worthy means
kendra. Sun is career-King and Ju is
counseling or work success, growth so 10H is ‘rajya bhava’.
says [Ch-15 Shloka-5 Ranjan Publication] that Su-Ju together one will be virtuous, be a minister of king. Will gain
through friends, be with good mind and be a preceptor.
Virtuous means Ju is powerful in kona with Sun king and Ju-minister,
gain through friends means Ju is connected to 11H of gain, mind and preceptor
skill 5H so this is strong Ju-Su in 5H in own-exalted sign, strong.
Traits can be
given if Ju-Su is strong sign wise and house wise as strongest planet can give the traits… this
is the starting of leaning …
in 2H in Sg sign --= JP548/62-63= [Su] liberal,
possessed of property in minerals, cherish even ill-wishers, eloquent = [Ju]
eloquent, comfortable meals, vast wealth and bestow liberal gifts. Sg
sign=Saravali = [Sun]Sc Asc He will attain an enviable position in life, and
enjoy a long span of life. … If the Sun
at birth Is In Sagittarius, one will be endowed with wealth, be dear to king,
learned, will respect gods and Brahmins, be skilful in rendering training in
use of weapons and arrows and breeding of elephants, be fit to deal with, be honorable,
be always peaceful, be rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be
helpful to relatives, and be energetic.
Ju = If Jupiter occupies Sagittarius at birth, one will
be a preceptor, will conduct religious vows, initiations, sacrifices etc., will have lasting wealth, be charitable, be
friendly to his own men, be fond of helping others, interested in sastras, be
the head of a zone or a minister, will live in many countries, will prefer loneliness
and be interested in visiting shrines.
Sc Asc = Ju = Sg 2H = The
native will have attractive face, big teeth, big lips, big nose and thick eye-brows.
He takes birth in a very affluent family and will not be aware of any kind of
monetary difficulties till the end of his life. He will unfailingly have a long
life, will be honored by one and all and will be a successful man.
Bhrigu sutra says
Sun in 2H may give loss of wealth when inimical, lord of house of harm or debilitated.
These primary
indications will be very much helpful to you to decide most important aspect of
life or question asked …
Method for Job
security from good/benefice Su-Ju conjunction --- based on our classical texts ….
BE SIMPLE IN YOUR PREDICTING ABILITY …. Look for repetitive link and factor
to confirm the event …..
Please remember our classics are full of general & specific dicta
being the base, starting factor, the guiding path. Language of the assertion of
classical texts is the solid base, good or bad can be easily decipher by
fundamentals, be a goose and grab which is essential and guiding rule for
prudent assessment.
In Sep-2019, native asked me by mail …. Male native Ju+Su in 2H Sg
Previously he asked the question suggested prediction went
satisfactory so asked again about Job and peace
… when you are seeing practical charts… basic of classical texts will
give you center point with guiding path of prediction from where you have to
find other support and logics for better and sound assessment.
Classics finding on 2H Su-Ju in Sg sign is given below image with
the horoscope d1 & d9
King i.e. higher authority favoring, wealth is sure, support is
there for native, he is from prosperous family and having good perception-understanding
of good and bad.
So the natal result here is good and supportive as 2H is wealth
house 9th from Job-6H so fortune of job. So job is secure for the native for
[Basic method
derived from guiding rule of Chandra Kala Nadi B1 Shloka-2240] Lifelong
settlement, riches and peace in Job needs other two factors, one that all
‘atha’ house lords be connected in any way with each other plus lord of
fortune-9L with that and d9 support of ‘artha amsha’. Here first condition is
not satisfied and next is support from d9 is there as both Ju-Su are in ‘artha
amsha’ Sg & Le sign in d9. So again job security and peace in job is there.
Now why then question asked is easily recognize with transit and
dasha … Sa+Ke transit in Sg sign and Dasha is that of Su-Ma then Ra where Ra
depositor is Ve posited with Job lord Mars aspects Ra…..so peace disturbed and
evil in career/job is feared and facing … this is more due to transit only can
be concluded which is for 1&1/2 years though suffering is acute will
decrease gradually, as transit Ju is helping… there is natal configuration also
but that is separate topic so not touched here …… some point are not considered
to restrict the post here
of consideration is that we can recognize the security of career from classic
base, which are natal results. And transit or dasha cannot overrule natal
results please remember. There are exceptions and options, part of another
Next part will be discussed for Su-Ju in Aq sign in 8H of death… if
time permits me ….
Early Death for Ju-Su in 8H of death ---
Sun-Ju in Aq 8H for Ca Asc
Phala Dipika [ch-8, V-3] [Su in 8H] native lose his wealth and friends, not long
lived, will have eye defect or blind. [Ju in 8H] native is poor, earn as
menial, sinful but long lived.
Saravali [Ch-27 V22] Ju in Aq 8H Cancer ascendant: There will be miseries
galore in the life of the native. He will lack paternal happiness, physical
comforts, fortunes etc. He will acquire a wife who will be reckless in money
matters and torment the native with unusual expenses. Su in Aq sign =
[Ch-22V64/65] = suffer from heart disease & miser [other traits not given]…
in Ca Asc in 8H = short lived, no bequeath form
father …
JP = Ju in Aq =
wanderer and trouble earner ; Su in Aq = lack children happiness; Ju in 8H =
long lived but ignoble deeds, sagacious
- learned; Sun in 8H = discontented
Sun in Aq aspected by Mars
[Saravali] = native is troubled by disease & enemies, deformed and wounded
by weapon in quarrels. Ju in Aq aspected by Mars = If by Mars, one will be valorous, be an army chief with
the king, splendorous, well-dressed, famous and honor .
Early Death for Ju-Su in Aq sign in 8H of death ---
Sun-Ju in Aq 8H for Ca Asc
Attributes of Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Aq sign 8H for Ca Asc
is given in here below image with horoscope
Finding is that though Ju is good for life Sun and Mars aspect is
not desirable.
Native is discontented with family, was doing wondering Job of
marketing, and was lacking parental happiness, married, no progeny, and secret
heart disease as died premature of heart attack at the age of 27/28 years. So,
short lived assertion of classics comes true for Sun.
Ju is benefice is overruled by malefic Sun and Mars both inimical and natural malefic
with 8L aspect over 8H is bad. JUST use the fundamental finding of the classics
… you may find better way … as classic texts give us starting factor a guiding
path which is most useful for sure ….
There are other factors also for premature death… but not covered as the post is for Su-Ju in
the house of death. Many take 3H fro premature death i.e. before 48/50 age.
Death is possible in Sun dasha or Mars, Mo and Mer being sign
depositor is Ju. 8L is Sa being depositor of Ju-Su so its dasha or evil transit
over Sa or Mo or Asc [12-8-1] may bring death.
Death occurred in Mo dasha Mer bhukti, transit Sa-Ra was in Li 12th
to 8L Sa. Everything is connected to Ju-Su is what I see … THIS IS ONE APPROACH ONLY … if you are expert and
intelligent you may find other way … our classics has too many method to map
death event…
Why and how to assess premature death is another topic… I would like
to take but is not desirable at this junction …